September 27, 2012
Please make sure you are registered to vote. Colorado residents can register online at October 9th is the last day to register.
The only voice children have when it comes to policies and budget priorities, is yours. Do not be silent.


Thank you and a Gratitude Party

I don’t say “thank you” enough and I want to recognize the volunteers that work with me to dignify the lives and learning of children.
Lisa Alonge Morgan, Conny Jensen, Patrick Anderson, Betsy Angert, Nina Bishop, Toni Tucker, Jane Diamond, Joel Lachance, Yosuke Carter, Peg Robertson, Erik Sutton, Don Perl, Felix Ojeda, Robert and Nancy Wirsing, and Don Glines.
Please mark your calendars for a celebration to recognize Colorado’s Education Leaders. Friday, November 30th 5:30 pm. Special guest and honoree, Representative Judy Solano. Details to follow. If you would like to bring an appetizer or bottle of wine to contribute, please contact me at

Flash mob at the kids rally, Saturday September29th

Also, if you have kids and families that might be interested in do the flash mob at the Colorado Capitol for the step up for kids rally next Sat. Sen

Learn about Opting your child out of TCAP, October 10th from 6-8 pm
Join us at the Highlands Ranch Library 9292 South Ridgeline Boulevard  Highlands Ranch, CO 80129 on October 10th from 6 – 8 p.m. Parents and students are invited to come and gather information about opting out of TCAP.


A Parents Experience on a School Accountability Team by Angela Engel
As a children’s advocate and education innovator, I’ve been a strong proponent of school decision-making at the local level. So much so in fact, I designed the Colorado Resolution to oppose No Child Left Behind and put an end to federally centralized control over neighborhood schools. The bill had bipartisan sponsorship and was passed in the senate 27-3. The resolution was adopted unanimously by the House Education Committee before Speaker McNulty blocked it from moving to the House floor for a final vote.

So last year, I decided to put my time where my mouth is and join the “School Accountability Team” at the Littleton middle school where my two daughters attended. School Accountability Teams, SATs, are comprised of parents, teachers, students, and administrators. We met once a month from 3 to 4:30 p.m. Our particular team had three parents, three teachers, the principal and two students. One representative then serves on the District Accountability Team. This was a role I shared with another parent, alternating each month for the two-hour district meeting.

My expectation of the team was that we would make decisions and explore solutions to various challenges with the input of parents, teachers and students. Instead the SAT served as function for reporting, not problem solving.

Read the full article here in Ed News Colorado

Book Release and Featured Education Leaders:

The book Educational Courage: Resisiting the Ambush of Public Education has just been released.  It is a must have for the growing library of literature raising a voice of protest to the market forces’ invasion – and take over – of public education and the very concepts that bring communities together.  Organized by Nancy Schniedewind and Mara Sapon-Shevin and including Juanita Doyon, Alfie Kohn and Curtis Acosta are many others. Published by Beacon Press the book costs $19.00. Whatever can be done to promote the book will be excellent work for the cause.
Here’s a sample of the few of the chapters:
There is No Rubric for Imagination:
Organizing against a Charter School Gone Corporate  – Nate Walker
“No”: The Power of Refusal – Doug Christensen and Chris W. Gallagher
You Can’t Be Driven by Fear: A Portrait of Public School – Tom Roderick
“Just Parents” Challenge Mayor Daley – Julie Woestehoff
Another World Is Possible/Another Education Is Necessary – Bill Ayers

Order Education Courage here and learn more